Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who me? Mean?

I have recently been accused by members of my family (no names mentioned, mama and daddy)of having some mean moments. Okay I can admit that nerves get a little out of whack sometimes and I may possibly come off as not as nice as I should be. I cannot help it if I misunderstood and thought I was getting a pizza for a snack and Colby and Caylin ate it...LOL. I was so hungry!!!! Hey now, anyone who knows me knows that when it comes to food they best step to the side because this girl may be suffering from lack of food. Oops! I will use this hormone card as long as possible so blame it on the hormones for the drastic mood swings...LOL.


  1. You are no different now then when your not pregant on eating.ha


  2. Pay no attention to them, sweetie...we love you just the way you are! And if they think you are mean NOW, just wait until baby is here and you are sleep deprived. I think you got a "card you can play" for the next 18 years, LOL!

  3. I thought it was just your personality, LOL
