Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tribute to the most influential women in my life...

As I look at my little bulge and watch the scale go up, I get excited yet nervous about the life changing event that is going to happen. I think about all the possible situations that will occur: What bottles to use? Am I going to get enough sleep or be a grizzly bear? What do I do if my precious angel cries and cries? How will I deal with the first time my baby talks back and I cannot believe the tone that came out of his/her mouth? I stopped and thought about the women I can turn to in time of need, prayer, and a good ole fashion cry session. Here's to you ladies...

Mama - She must have done something right because Mae and I are not in jail or committed a felony (I have been close with Michael snoring...LOL). We both still attend church and keep the phone lines burning between the 3 of us. You are an INCREDIBLE mother and I will try to learn your gifts of patience and Christian love and apply them with my own family. I love you mama!

Magen - I wonder daily how you keep your sanity when everywhere you look there is a child getting into something or demanding your attention. Lord only knows how you keep it semi together. You are an AWESOME mother to your babies. Anyone can tell that those 3 kids are your world. I will try to learn your gifts of sanity/love through daily chaos and organization down to the tee. I love you Mae!

To all the other women who demonstrate what a Christian mother should be, Granny, Jennifer, Ashley, and Judy, I want to say thank you for being such a great example.


  1. I raised you the best I could with dad's help then the rest you did on your own. Your baby will have a special mom in her or his life .


  2. I really thank you for the nice compliment, it made my day. I sometimes wonder about my mothering. The best advise I can give you if that the Lord will never put more on you than you can handle. Now saying that I have wondered when Caylin was colicky, LOL. You will be a GREAT mother and you lots of help and do not try to do what I did and be superwoman because it is hard and unnessary.

  3. This is such a sweet post. You are going to join the ranks of great mothers very soon. I can't wait for Baby Marshall to get here. You are going to be a wonderful mom.
